Published inSoftware Architecture FoundationsInfrastructure ModernizationFor companies delivering to multiple customers and products it is difficult to perform infrastructure modernization. Companies end up with…4d ago4d ago
Published inSoftware Architecture FoundationsLow Latency Event Driven Systems with GRPC and CloudEventsEvent driven systems are powerful architecture for achieving scalability and high performance. In these systems services process incoming…Jan 15Jan 15
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Published inSoftware Architecture FoundationsDocumenting Software Architecture in Code RepositoryMarkdown is a standard simple syntax for creating professional-looking documents. It is simpler than HTML and can be managed without a…Feb 25, 20226Feb 25, 20226
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Published inSoftware Architecture FoundationsC4 Model with PlantUMLAutoware Auto and ROS 2 as an exampleOct 23, 20213Oct 23, 20213
Published inYazılım MimarileriC4 Yaklaşımı ile Mimari GösterimC4 Modeli görsel olarak güçlü bir şekilde mimariyi ifade etmeye yönelik geliştirilmiş bir modelleme dilidir. C4 (Context, Containers…Oct 21, 2021Oct 21, 2021